Thursday, December 23, 2004

Weeeee! My First Blog!

This would be my very first blog! I just can't believe that I would be pouring out my thoughts on the net. Exciting it may seem though I'm kinda scared letting the whole world know what I have in mind. But then again who cares? Hmmm maybe I need this as an outlet.. my way of escaping the real world.. hehehe

I started the day too early. I slept around 5:30 in the morning and I woke up two hours after just to prepare myself to go to school and enroll ONE subject that I failed! Imagine that? I would be going to school for a term spending 1 1/2 hours every Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays for ONE subject only! I should have been preparing my resume now and attending interviews if I just passed that subject! But what's the use of complaining, isn't it? And I know that it is my fault. I got addicted to playing MMORPGs! Too addicted that I already forget to eat and sleep, too addicted that I often dream about it, too addicted that led me to much difficult consequences. Consequences that included my studies, my health and most especially my love life.

Corny it may seem but honestly, my addiction in playing those games led me to lose the person I thought I would spend the rest of my life with. Yes, I lost him, just merely 22 days before Christmas. I lost him because I was too preoccupied leveling up and collecting jewels. I lost him because I was too busy trading for +7 items. I lost him because I was busy partying with my guildmates. Yes, I lost him... because from then on, nothing else mattered to me but to play all day long.

I have no regrets though because I know I have given my all in that relationship. I have loved him for more than two years. I have given up my friends and I have sacrificed a lot just to hold on to our relationship. For almost two years, I was blinded by all his negative traits. I never listened to anybody when they tell me that he is not the one for me. I just cant help but be sad because two years and nine months of relationship cannot be that easily forgotten. I just cant get him out of my system that easy because my world revolved around him all those years. Yes I still love him... but that love is not enough to bring us back together. Maybe not now... maybe tomorrow.. or maybe never. I just wish him goodluck. And I hope that he will be able to find the love that can fulfill everything I wasn't able to give him.

I'll end this blog with a song... hope I could just sing it heheh.. till next time! mwah mwah!

Tell me her name

I want to know

The way she looks

And where you go

I need to see her face

I need to understand

Why you and I came to an end

Tell me againI want to hear

Who broke my faith in all these years

Who lays with you at night

When I'm here all alone

Remembering when I was your own

I'll let you goI'll let you fly

Why do I keep on asking why

I'll let you go

Now that I found

A way to keep somehow

More than a broken vow

Tell me the words I never said

Show me the tears you never shed

Give me the touch

That one you promised to be mine

Or has it vanished for all time

I'll let you go

I'll let you fly

Why do I keep on asking why

I'll let you go

Now that I found

A way to keep somehow

More than a broken vow

I close my eyes

And dream of you and I

And then I realize

There's more to life than only bitterness and lies

I close my eyesI'd give away my soul

To hold you once again

And never let this promise end

I'll let you go

I'll let you fly

Why do I keep on asking why

I'll let you go

Now that I found

A way to keep somehow

More than a broken vow, mmm


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