Sunday, February 05, 2006

Question and Answer Portion

1. what kind of first impression do you think people say when they first see you?
- masungit ... suplada... ironically some thinks im an approachable person when they first see me ...

2. what's one thing you like to do alone?
- reminisce about past things....

3. what is your favorite line to say when you're drunk?
- hindi ako iiyak! hindi ako susuka! ^^

4. how many drinks do u need before u get tipsy?
- sa San Mig Light mga 3 bottles wala na ako... sa Red Horse naku 3 tagay wala na ako.. i can tolerate hard drinks better than beer..

6. what kind of books do you like to read?
- depends... ugh. i only read recommended books pala

7. do you think you're cute?
- cute is an appropriate adjective for puppies...

8. do you have a problem changing clothes in front of your friends?
- uu naman! my friends are gays .. este guys!

9. what do you eat when you raid the fridge at night?
- ice cream!!!

10. describe your bed?
- hmmm.. theres only one way to describe mg bed.. MAGULO! ^^ kidding aside... my bed lets me sleep.. its like paghiga ko.. ull find me snoring in a few seconds....

11. spontaneous or planned?
- i plan everything but somethimes it ends up in a riot.. kaya sometimes spontaneity may do good...

12. do you know how to play poker?
- no.

13. what do you carry with you at all times?
- phone. cant live without it at the moment. baka kasi mawala ako. i need someone to contact just in case har har har.

14. what do you miss most about being a kid?
- i miss playing without getting tired easily. once u age.. parang pagod k agad!amf!

15. are you happy with your given name?
- hmmm... hahaha *grin* do I need to answer this??

16. what color is your bedroom?
- errr white, though id like to paint it purple... hindi pede eh. huhuhhu!

17. have you ever been in a play?
- yes. high school days. nung di pa ako marunong mahiya!

18. do you like yourself and believe in yourself?
- of course. if i dont, who else db?

19. do you consider yourself to be a nice person?
- depends. im good if you do the same. if your bad.. im worse!!!!

20. do you spend more time with your girlfriend/boyfriend or your friends?
- errr... work!

21. what's one thing you wish you could do but can't?
- ride the Space Shuttle .... grrh!!

22. what is your ideal wedding location?
- Church!!! Not sure which one yet! Ipon muna!

23. whats one instrument you wish you could play?
- guitar and im studying it. have my own guitar already! Yipeee!!

24. whats one language you want to learn?
- German! I studied it once in High School days.. pero nagsawa din me.. Id also like to study Mandarin.. chung kwayla yaaaaaai sashikibuta. *grins*

25. have you ever pierced your body parts?
- i loveeeeeeeee ear piercing! ehehhe.

26. do you have any tattoos?
- never!

27. what's one trait you hate in a person?
- superficial people!!!!

28. do you consider yourself materialistic?
- sometimes! Im only human!

29. what do you cook best?
- err.. mom doesnt let me cook at home.... baka masayang eh ^^. BTw.. why do i need to cook .. mom is the bestttttt cook in the world.

30.favorite person/s to talk with on the phone?
- i hate the phone! Depends pala ehhehe.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

awww yan si ate yel gogogo power ranger!!!!! nice person yan... no doubt bout' it

Tuesday, March 07, 2006 6:36:00 PM  

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