Monday, April 17, 2006

One Sleepy Day in the Office

spell your name backward
> elleiram

story behind your first name:
> walang story name ko eh....

when’s your birthday:
> June 28, 1983

where do you live:
> QC


- black - mom gave it to me just last weeek... my first matino wallet heheh

your eyes
- brown.. sabi nila...

- white and purple

jewelry worn daily:
- never without earings.... and my pink watch.

cell phone:
- Sony Ericsson

pillow cover right now:
- waaa i dont know... ill check tonight.. im too sleepy to appreciate my sheets...

- have no car yet. care to buy me one?

- riot...

- di ako nagsu-sunglass eh.. still conemplating on buying one...

- i seldom shampoo.. i use im using palmolive hehe.. bango eh

cologne and/or perfume:
- Be Delicious

CD in stereo right now:
- no cds.. only mp3s hehehe

- ears ... two piercing on each...

what you are wearing now?
- shirt, pants and rubber shoes

what will you do after this?
- kakaen... 130 pa lunch ko ... =)

if you could get away with it and murder anyone who would it be:
- i have a list.. wait ill read it aloud..

person and/or people you wish you could see right now.
- secret....

some of your favorite movies:
- serendipity......

something you’re looking forward to in the coming week:
- inuman! ^_^

something you just ate:
- kakafinish ko lang ng hash brown weeeee.. need to diet na pala huhuh

something you are deathly afraid of:
- what lies beyond....

do you like candles:
- nyak! nope.....

do you like bars:
- bars?? which one? bka kulungan yan.. chocolate bars... ay nako d na tinatanong yan!

do you like the taste of blood:
- waaa kadiri!!!!

do you believe in love:
- yes. i believe ill find the real one someday!

do you believe in love at first sight:
- NO way!

Are you in love?
- errr... i think so.. confused ako eh....

do you believe in heaven:
- yes

do you believe in God:
- yes

Do you have a tattoo?
- none. used to have henna...

can you eat with chopsticks:
- kapag di gutom ok lang .. pero kapag im dead hungry.. spoon and fork nga waiter!!!!! =)

what are some of your favorite candies:
- POLO and mentos

Favorite Soda:
- im not into soda.. iced tea ako...

what’s something you wish you could understand better:
- is there someone meant for me?

If you could turn back time, what would you change?
- no regrets.. mistakes are life's little gems... they'll make u shine in the end...

If given a million dollars what’s one thing you would buy?
- hm.. foooooood! ^^

Can you cook?
- yes.

are you shy around your crush:
- haha. uu. ill be impossibly quiet kapag katabi ko un.


boring sa office... inaantok ako... -_-


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for dropping by my blog. nice blog saka i like the color black.

Monday, April 17, 2006 2:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

salamat po sa pagdalaw.. hope you could visit again :D

Monday, April 17, 2006 4:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sasama na din ako sa mga nagpapasalamat ha ha ha.

"Tenks por dropping by my blog"

Monday, April 17, 2006 7:16:00 PM  

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