nothing new
I feel so down today.
1st.. I think I'm losing my bestfriend.
2nd... I just woke up feeling down and all.
Negative vibes na lang lage.
Looking forward for a gimik tonight. nyahaha. =)
an open letter
I love you.I love you for your smile. For that pair of eyes that's so easy to read. For that tiny line across your forehead that gives depth to your beautiful face. I love you for the way you can make me laugh. And I love the way I can make you laugh. And I love you for your sweetness, your innocence,your gentle presence...things that are being faked these days. I love the idea of loving you. I love how you touch me...and how you seem to know when I need your presence. I love US when we're together. I love the comfort and security I feel when i'm with you. I love how you're HOME to me. I love taking care of you. I love the way we love each other.
Sadly, I love you and want to be with you in a way that is not possible. You're my friend. I have always tried to live my life facing up to things. But this is not something I can tell you without losing face...without losing you. I cannot risk that. In the relatively short time we've known each other, you have become of extreme value to me.
And yet, I cannot keep my peace completely.I have to somehow tell you, eventhough I doubt that our paths will cross here, or that you'll even know that this is me. I am taking this coward's way because I AM SCARED.
I know that I should probably tell you this. I know that I may forever regret this. I also know that you don't love me in the same way...nor look at me in a remotely romantic way. After all,am just the friend you keep checking up on because you know I am lost right now. Who would love a lost soul anyhow?
Of course, it hurts. And I pray to God that this is one thing I can keep from you.It's my folly to think along romantic lines and if there be a punishment in store for crossing that line between pure friendship & romance...i'd take it alone. It was my choice to fall...I alone should get hurt.
I know that you've just recovered from a painful break-up. And that you're relishing being single again. Still, allow me to make a wish. I wish that next time you love, it will be for keeps. I am praying for God to send you someone you can connect with in the most important of ways...someone who will see the gift that you truly are...someone who will do those things i've planned to do for you...someone you can love in return.
People have said time and again that it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. But what they will probably never understand is how i'll always be a winner for having loved you.
It's been a privilege loving you in my silent,secret way.
Thank you friend for walking into my life.
my friends
when you get the chance to choose your friends...

i think id pass the chance.....

coz right here is where i want to be....